Rolling Along

As I prepared for this post, I received a notification alerting me that today is the 12 year anniversary of my blog. It is fitting that the quilt block I am sharing today is called the Rolling Star because despite the chaos of life, my blog keeps rolling along.

Over the years, I have posted as the inspiration strikes rather than following any schedule or routine. Recently my posts tend to correspond with my vlog content, but every so often the pithy blog emerges from a meandering thought I feel is worth sharing.

Regardless the inspiration for my posts, I hope that they find their way to those who need to see them. For even if just one viewer finds value in the content, I feel the effort has been worthwhile. Of course, it goes without saying, the true value these last 12 years has been achieved in the record I have created.

Best wishes to all who read this blog post. Thank you for joining me as I roll along this meandering journey!

This week’s EPP block can be downloaded here.


Updated – the square pieces in this block are two different sizes. I’ve labeled them on the outline-only template page.


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