The Joy of Slow Crafting

When I started my journey into English Paper Piecing just over three months ago, I never envisioned how much joy I would find in the process. While not my first slow-craft (the trendy way to call traditional crafting), it has been the most surprising. Yes, it is true, my aging eyes need excellent lighting to manage, and a needle threading tool is quite helpful, but the joy of creating with needle and thread is abundant.

Finding balance seems easier now that I have added an additional slow-craft to my life. Without the slower hand work of crafts like EPP, it is easy to feel everything in life needs to be high-speed production in order to have value. Life, yes even crafting life, can speed out of control until one unexpected obstacle or turn derails you. Recovery is then required before the journey can continue.

This week I share three EPP projects: one that took weeks to make, one that is a component of something bigger, and one that is full of holiday joy. Each brings with it the benefits of slow-crafting.


Three English Paper Piecing Pattern


I share a few additional crafting ideas in this week’s video.

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